Monday 7 June 2010

Boot Camp Report

Day 1 -  Ivory

Thanks to a link on Maisey's Attic I found out about the Creativity Boot Camp.   

In the introduction, it says that this course "will be an intensive two week course designed to deepen and enrich your creative spirit. You will be asked to perform outward projections of creativity as well as examine your inner creative soul."

Now, I'm born and bred in Belfast and although times are changing, these are not expressions that come naturally!  However,  I loved the idea of facing some challenges and combining that with taking photographs, which I do every day.  

You can get so far by yourself and then you need a little outside input to help you move on to the next stage.  The course is free, lasts for 14 days and is a safe, friendly, nurturing place to try to kick start the creativity which, I'm sure, is in all of us.  I'm excited about taking part :)

The course (second day today) has involved creating, in whatever medium you have chosen to use, images that show some aspect of a particular word.  There are also written exercises that are, of course, much more difficult!  I don't think that I'll be sharing much of the written work - whenever I finish it of course - but the photographs will be appearing here. 

The image at the top is for Day 1 - Ivory. The reason that I chose this particular subject for the theme is perhaps not very easily explained, other than the colour of the papery skin and stem. 

Day 2 had the theme of picnic and my photograph of an indoor picnic is below.  

 Day 2 - picnic

I'm aware that there is not a lot of food on offer, but wine is good too.  The fern like plant is actually fennel so that could be eaten if neccessary.

Check out the Boot Camp - it's fun!


  1. Love the picture with the Fennel! Best of luck with the course :)

  2. Thanks for visiting and I'm glad you like the picture. So far so good with the course :)

  3. Those are both gorgeous photos. I love the contrasts in shapes, colors, and textures in the second shot. Although.... somebody else better pack the food for a picnic - wine's ok but fennel would be a little rough :)

  4. Mark, thanks for your comment and I'm glad you like the photos. I must have been carried away with the concept - food usually comes a little higher up my list of important things!
